More Questions?
How can I purchase the Cookbook?
To purchase a cookbook, click here!
Where can I find the ingredients used in The Next 56 Days recipes?
Most ingredients that we use in The Next 56 Days can be found at any local grocery store. There are some more specialized ingredients that can be found at our 56 Day approved businesses or ordered online.
After the course, where can I continue to purchase the supplements?
Talk to your personal coach about this. Ariix will give you a 30% discount on all supplements with an Ariix membership and auto-ship that can be delivered straight to your house every 28, 56 or 84 days.
Should I tell my Doctor that I am doing this program?
Sure! 😊 We have had several participants doing The Next 56 Days that go in for their routine exams and the doctor asks them what they're doing. Their blood sugars have stabilized, their blood pressure goes down and they are releasing weight. This is a wonderful thing to experience! Diabetics and participants with hypertension will often see a decrease in their blood sugars and blood pressure. We advise letting your doctor know ahead of time so that they can monitor any medication changes as needed. *Please be advised that coaches with The Next 56 Days cannot give medical advice to anyone.
Click below for a printable document about TN56D that you can share with your provider. General Program Flyer
Do I have to purchase the products in order to see results?
While the products are not mandatory for you to see results, we highly recommend them! Everything we teach throughout The Next 56 Days is designed to accelerate your results and our recommended products do just that! For those interested in seeing faster results, we recommend discussing the bet kit option with your coach.
Can I do this program if I am pregnant or nursing?
Absolutely! Healthy Mom = Healthy Baby! 😊 Please let your coach know if you are pregnant or nursing. We recommend 200 extra calories for both expectant and nursing moms. *Please be advised that coaches cannot give medical advice to anyone.
Are there any products NOT recommended for pregnant or nursing mothers?
Rejuveniix (Energy supplement offered in the Platinum Membership Kit) - We do not recommend
any type of stimulant during pregnancy, such as coffee, caffeinated tea or soda. However, if you are currently
weaning yourself off products such as these, we suggest switching over to Rejuveniix for a safe way to come
off the stimulants.
Restoriix (Detox) - Per recommendations on the bottle, “Ask a physician if pregnant or nursing.”
Slenderiiz Drops (Weight Loss/Appetite Management/Metabolism) - These are not recommended for pregnant or
nursing mothers.
I have Celiac Disease/I'm avoiding gluten. Will this program be OK for me?
Yes. The Next 56 Days is a gluten-free program.
I'm allergic to coconut oil. What can I use in place of it?
We recommend coconut oil with The Next 56 Days because of the health benefits experienced with it. For people who may have an allergy to coconuts or coconut oil, we recommend using approved butter in the place of cooking. Olive oil or avocado oil are also healthy oils; however, they are better for weight maintenance and not recommended during The Next 56 Days.
Still have questions? Feel free to email us at info@thenext56days.com.